Bhubaneswar, Feb 1: The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has issued a notification inviting applications from eligible candidates for recruitment to RRB Technician Recruitment 2024.
Number of vacancies: 9000 Technician positions.
The detailed notification is expected to be published in the employment news in February 2024.
The online application submission is scheduled to commence in March and conclude in April 2024. The Computer Based Tests (CBTs) are tentatively planned to be conducted between October and December 2024.
Candidates shortlisted for Document Verification can expect the release of the list in February 2025.
On January 29, the RRB had issued an official notice indicating their intent to recruit Technicians. The notice emphasized that RRBs are in the final stages of preparing a Centralised Employment Notification (CEN) specifically tailored for Technician recruitment.
Aspiring candidates are encouraged to regularly check the official websites of RRBs for timely updates and announcements regarding this upcoming notification.
Further information, including eligibility criteria, application procedures, and crucial dates, will be provided in the official notification upon its release.
For more information, visit RRB recruitment.