Endangered birds in Odisha

Prameyanews English

Published By : Prameya News Bureau | June 14, 2024 5:24 PM

Oriental White-backed Vulture, where have they all gone? Although some ornithologists would have us believe that, they all fell prey to dicloflam, a drug administered into animals which even after death remain in the carcass.

 So many often seen birds have either retreated into unknown areas or many of them are unseen. Be it on the earth or in the water.

Oriental White-backed Vulture, where have they all gone? Although some ornithologists would have us believe that, they all fell prey to dicloflam, a drug administered into animals which even after death remain in the carcass.

The white-backed vultures feast on that and die.The skies of Bhubaneswar even are bereft of their sighting in the skies over Vanivihar and further north.

Long-billed vultures are stated to be critically endangered.

Forest Owlet is not safe either and is slowly diminishing. All are flying into a vanishing   point.

Let us come down to the one in the lower horizons or in the street forests or even in the water bodies.

Say for example the wetland birds who play a major role in de-toxicity by consuming worms, weeds, and some major insects that are dangers for other organic bodies in the waters.

Where are the Watercocks, those beautiful birds with a fleshy crown (in case of males) while the females have a plain head top. They have become a rare sight as their nesting space has reduced as they normally thrive on marshy flats near wetlands or big ponds.

Even they are poached, say some researchers.

Experts engaged in bird research in wetlands like Chilika or Ansupa also hold the view that Spot-billed Pelican are on the decline although they were abundantly populated in many wetlands in and around and even in Bhitarkanika bird sanctuary, Bagagahana and in the precincts of Ansupa lake.

This species was a rare winter visitor to the State and the only record is from Sambalpur, north of the Mahanadi.   There is no recent record of Sarus from Odisha.  

During studies conducted by the Bombay Natural History Society at Chilika, this species was not seen in recent times.

Purple-wood or Pale-capped Pigeons have become rare. This northeastern bird was reportedly seen in the Simlipal hills of Mayurbhanj at an elevation of about 600–900 m and also in the Chandaka Dampara Sanctuary   and near Bhubaneswar.

Human friendly birds like Mynahs are no more frolicking in and around human habitations; those were in plenty who usually feast on worms, insects and other homely prepared crumbs of grains.

We have already highlighted the ordeal of the House Sparrows; those who have remained in constant coexistence with humans are conspicuously missing. As they do not have either nesting space as concretization of the house has become a big blow to these little birds.

Birds, animals, floras and faunas are an integral part of the eco-system which is already in danger.

Be it on the land or in the water, symbiosis is an essential feature of existence.   

Lakhs and lakhs of air-conditioners cannot help the earth to cool.

Disclaimer: This is the personal opinion of the author. The views expressed in this write-up have nothing to do with www.prameyanews.com.

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