Bhubaneswar, March 12: Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Tuesday announced various welfare schemes for the servitors of Puri Shree Jagannath Temple.
According to the announcement, the health insurance plan meant for the servitors, previously covered by the Shri Jagannath Temple Administratio(SJTA) ,has been increased from Rs 2 lakh to Rs 5 lakh. An additional amount of Rs 5 lakh will be provided for treatment of critical illnesses.
Similarly, for students from sevayat families, a maximum of 3 times assistance of Rs 50,000 per year will be provided for various entrance exams such as NEET, JEE and Civil Service Coaching.
The State government has provided Rs 10.85 crore to the Shree Jagannath Temple Administration for various enhanced allowances, health insurance amount, coaching assistance and other assistance to the sevayats.
Worth mentioning, 5T and Nabin Odisha Chairman Kartik Pandian had received some applications from the servitors wherein the servitors’ union had demanded special allowances for them.
Based on the grievances the CM announced the welfare schemes which will benefit hundreds of servitors and their family members.