YB Khurania assumes charge as Odisha DGP: Asserts public-friendly policing

Prameyanews English

Published By : Prasanta Dash | August 16, 2024 9:35 PM

DGP Odisha YB Khurania

Cuttack, Aug 16: Senior IPS Yogesh Bahadur Khurania on Friday assumed charge as Odisha Director General of Police (DGP).

Khurania took over the charge from outgoing DGP Arun Kumar Sarangi at the Odisha Police Headquarters in Cuttack in the afternoon.

While interacting with the police higher officials and media person following a grand welcome to him, Khurania asserted public-friendly police for the state.

“We’re determined to get closer to the common people, and make every effort to serve them. Priority would be given to reducing crimes and oppression against the weakest segments of society, such as women and children, Scheduled Castes, and Scheduled Tribes,” he said.

Serving the people of Odisha with excellent police service would be his top priority.The entire police force will be inducted to accord swift service to the people of Odisha,he added.

Khurania further said that utmost emphasis will be given on eliminating Left Wing Activists from the territory.  

He also said that the Odisha Police will act proactively maintaining discipline,conducting investigations, and controlling criminal activities among other priorities ahead, before the peace-keeping regiment.




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