World day of thinking: Think deep but think simple that reflects reality and Axis of Happiness

Prameyanews English

Published By : Chinmaya Dehury | February 24, 2024 5:58 PM


D N Singh 

Just some hours back the world commemorated World Thinking Day. And thinking and the coexistence with a simple lifestyle cannot ever be marginalized by any maximalist way of life.  

It is also said that there is nothing more beautiful than simplicity and nothing more impacting.

No décor or borrowed applications can ever make you look better than what you are, and your simplicity at best; man or woman. Rest is temporary like a topping of a cake which never lasts more than a specified time frame.

Neither age nor youth can sustain beyond the mandated limit. Everything erodes except simplicity. 

Being simple one escapes the pangs of wastage and is able to maintain economy and less are your needs, less are the greed.  Greed for more acquisitions to glance out the peer pressure for the false sense of identity also fails.

Away from simple thinking leads one into avarice which is like a quick-sand situation that engulfs one’s sense of reason. It distances you from your wisdom of the dignity of worth of each human value thus blind folding you from your real need for a reasonable and respected life-style.

Living for others

Even greed dismantles your psyche to become social in life when you refuse to look beyond your nose. So, you never care for others let alone helping ones in need or living for others, a cardinal part of life that gets a mention in all religions and scriptures on earth. Else you are not living.

If one is simple it is natural that openhandedness stems from within and a sense of go halves comes from within.

For which putting others with kindness and passion surges from within when hopes for return of kindness or sharing become very, very secondary.    

A man living in a modest shelter or home always being considered as a man of no means, branding one as a class inferior.

How many cars one possess and how many floors the house has or that exclusivity of the exteriors or the gorgeousity of the interiors are!  

Material acquisitions like the look of a drawing room or a bed-room showcasing is surreal.

Even in simple attire one can feel the thrill of simplicity but their weirdness may become garish and temporary always.

Attires have no claim in societal firmament and being in simply clad grants you the tag of a torch-bearer of lasting fashion which these days have become metamorphic into outlandish wears beyond the realm of modesty and a fashion that keeps changing day in and day out.

As believed that ‘ fashion should be forever else it becomes insipid’. True that some clothing like a simple Saree, salwar, simple pants, or a normal bush shirt have survived all the changes and still reign.

Need this and more  

Greater acquisitions may give some comfort but not a lasting peace.

Maximalism pushes you miles and miles away from the most divine thoughts like, do good and forget, never ever bother what he or she does, either they acknowledge your footprints and erase them altogether.

 How do you go back! finally  

Minimalism pushes you miles and miles away from the most divine thoughts like, do good and forget, never ever bother what he or she does, either acknowledge yours footprints and deletes them altogether.

How does it matter once your body being carried either out from a two or three room house or from a posh bungalow. Because you are not around to witness the jeers or blessings of onlookers.

Simplicity is learning from the earth. And there we all go back to merge with the cosmic.

About the Author: DN Singh is a Bhubaneswar-based senior journalist.

DISCLAIMER: This is the personal opinion of the author. The views expressed in this write-up have nothing to do with

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