Two IPLs simultaneously in India!

Prameyanews English

Published By : Anirudha Mishra | April 26, 2024 1:44 PM

Crowd Cheer

Anirudha Mishra

"Indians are enjoying two IPLs simultaneously!"

This very line is bound to create interest. Isn't it?

But, from where and how did such a concept origin? Is there any truth in it? Or, is it just a funny remark?

Before we draw conclusions, we need to have the details of the situation, background, context and other related information, from where and how it originated.

This very statement of two IPLs simultaneously ongoing in India presently, was the point of discussion among a group of senior citizens in a Bhubaneswar park a couple of days ago.

But we are all aware that since 2008, when we talk about IPL, it indicates the cash-rich Indian T20 cricket league that is being played annually. That particular cricket T20 franchise-based cricket tournament stands for the 'Indian Premier League (IPL)'.

Presently, the 17th edition of the Indian Premier League is being played in India. An average cricket enthusiast would be aware about the entertainment, thrills and sporting actions involved with the most popular franchise cricket league called IPL.

But why did the elderly men mention two IPLs ongoing in India now. That definitely is a point of concern. Did they have any confusion? Or, were they referring to something else as IPL.

A few people near them in the park were also glued to their discussions.

One of them just could not control his anxiety and asked, "Sir, we are aware about the Indian Premier League, which is called IPL. But what is the other IPL you are talking about?"

His question triggered a huge roar of laughter among the senior citizens. That spell of laughter continued for a few minutes. Once they finally could control their laughter, one of them quipped, "Indian Political League."

What is that? The onlookers were bemused and wanted to know in detail.

Then came the detailed explanations  from the veterans.

One of them elaborated that both the cricket league and the political developments related to the ongoing elections, have similarities.

Like IPL, where all players of a particular cricket franchise are not always permanent and they play for different teams in different years, similarly some political  leaders also change their loyalties and parties frequently.

He went on detailing how in both cricket and politics, there is huge money involved. The two fields do create a lot of public interest. He even compared how the last few days of campaigning before the elections are similar to slog overs in a T20 game.

The comparisons actually had no serious basis. But the oldies were pointing fingers at the heavy expenses, unnecessary violence during poll campaigns.

Those senior citizens were unhappy as some political leaders repeatedly changed their  loyalties, use of money, muscle and power in Indian elections to win at any cost.

Hopefully, in future, our elections will be free from money, muscle and power. Maybe we will have more peaceful polls. Hopefully, our leaders will stick to one party, which suits their political  ideology.

But we all know, there is no perfect world. If we need the society and system to improve, then we need to improve first. The improvement must start from us and must be permanent as well.

Otherwise, we can only laugh at developments around us, but can never improve the system.

If things improve then we will never compare our elections to a franchise cricket league. Hopefully, we all would be happy with one IPL, which stands for Indian Premier League.

  • Indian Premier League (IPL)
  • Election 2024
  • Odisha Election 2024

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