Temperature expected to rise by 6 to 8°c in Odisha within next 4 days: IMD

Prameyanews English

Published By : Sourabha Parida | April 12, 2024 12:25 PM

Temperature to rise in Odisha

Bhubaneswar, April 12: The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued warning for a second spell of heatwave for Odisha with temperature is expected to rise by 6 degree to 8 degree Celsius within next four days.

After thunderstorm activities across Odisha, maximum temperature had dipped by 7 degrees to 8 degrees C at many places in the state. Now, it is slated to rise again.

There will be a gradual rise in temperature within the next four days. Subsequently, the maximum temperature is expected to remain 4 degree to 5 degrees C above normal, said Manorama Mohanty, Director of Bhubaneswar IMD.

The flow of dry, hot westerly-northwesterly winds towards Odisha is expected to gather strength from Sunday onwards and push mercury further up, she added.

As many as 23 places in Odisha recorded 30 degrees C or less temperature on Thursday, while Sonepur and Titilagarh recorded 24 degrees C each, the lowest maximum day temperature.

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