Balangir, Aug 23: Two days after a violent clash between rival gangs within the prison, a police team on Friday conducted a raid at Balangir jail. Acting on the instructions of SP Rushikesh Khilari, a team from Town police station seized tobacco products and other intoxicants during the raid.
The operation, which began early in the morning, involved two platoons of forces and nine officers, and was carried out in the presence of a magistrate. The raid targeted various areas of the jail, including the male and female wards, cells, and kitchen. Officials reported the seizure of significant quantities of bidis, cigarettes, matchboxes, and other tobacco items.
The raid followed a confrontation on Wednesday between two groups of inmates that resulted in one prisoner being injured. In response to the altercation, the involved inmates have been placed in separate cells and are being closely monitored, according to jail officials.