Bhubaneswar, August 12: The state government has initiated a probe into the alleged misappropriation of District Mineral Foundation (DMF) funds, said. Steel and Mines Minister Bibhuti Bhushan Jena sating that the investigation was prompted by widespread allegations of funds being diverted to urban areas or used for unrelated projects.
The DMF rules require that 60% of the funds be used for priority areas such as healthcare, education, environment preservation, pollution control, sanitation, housing, and the welfare of women, children, and the elderly. However, there have been claims that a significant portion of the funds was used in non-priority areas, often resulting in sub-standard work.
Stating that the state government is committed to zero tolerance towards corruption, minister Jena said that the government will ensure complete transparency in the use of DMF funds. He emphasized that those found guilty of irregularities will face legal action.