In a dramatic turn of events, the Isha Foundation, led by the renowned spiritual leader Sadhguru, is at the center of a storm of allegations involving missing persons, mysterious deaths, and various legal controversies. The Tamil Nadu Police have submitted a detailed report to the Supreme Court on October 18, 2024, shedding light on cases registered against the Coimbatore-based foundation over the last 15 years.
Alarming allegations
The report reveals a chilling account of six missing persons cases filed at the Alandurai police station, under which the foundation falls. Out of these, five cases were closed with "further action dropped," while one remains under investigation as the individual has not been traced. Adding to the gravity, seven cases of suspicious deaths were registered, with two still pending forensic reports.
A grim discovery
A contentious point in the report is the crematorium named Kalabairavar Thagana Mandapam, constructed on the Foundation’s premises. This has been contested in court by a neighboring landowner who seeks its removal. The foundation asserts that the crematorium is currently non-functional.
Disturbing accusations
The report also highlights a disturbing POCSO case involving Dr. Sarvanamoorthy, who was associated with Isha Outreach. He stands accused of sexually assaulting nine schoolgirls, a case that is presently under investigation. Furthermore, a separate zero FIR filed in New Delhi in 2021 detailed allegations of sexual assault by another participant at the foundation. Although this case was later dropped, procedural lapses were noted, and further investigation is underway.
Controversial Legal Battles
Another major controversy involves a habeas corpus petition by Dr. Kamaraj, alleging that his daughters were being held captive at the foundation. The daughters, now known by their monastic names, have stated they are there of their own volition. This case prompted the Madras High Court to direct a compreh-ensive review of all cases against the foundation.