Hyderabad, May 1 :Telangana Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy’s recent protest against the BJP-led government at the Centre has drawn attention. He used a unique metaphor to express his dissatisfaction, referring to the BJP’s contributions to Telangana as a “Gadida Guddu” or “Donkey’s egg” . Let’s delve into the context and implications of this colorful expression.
“Gadida Guddu” is a metaphor that signifies something non-existent or impossible to happen. In this case, it symbolizes the BJP’s alleged lack of meaningful contributions to Telangana’s development .
Revanth Reddy accused the BJP-led government of meting out a “raw deal” to Telangana during the last 10 years. He highlighted several unfulfilled promises, including the national status for the Palamuru-Rangareddy lift irrigation project, a rail coach factory, the Bayyaram steel factory, and distribution of Krishna and Godavari waters .
By holding a replica of the “Gadida Guddu,” Revanth Reddy aimed to emphasize the BJP’s perceived lack of contribution to Telangana’s development.
The upcoming Lok Sabha elections in Telangana have intensified political rhetoric. Revanth Reddy framed the elections as a battle between “Telangana atma gauravam” (self-respect) and “Gujarat pettanam” (bossism) .
He urged voters to defeat the BJP, alleging that the party would remove reservations for SCs, STs, and OBCs if re-elected .
Prime Minister Narendra Modi had previously accused the Congress government in Telangana of hindering development projects.
Revanth Reddy’s use of “Gadida Guddu” reflects his discontent with the BJP’s track record in Telangana. The metaphor underscores the perceived lack of substantial contributions by the BJP to the state’s progress . As the election season unfolds, such colorful expressions continue to shape political discourse in Telangana.