Bhubaneswar, Aug 21: BJP Rajya Sabha nominee Mamata Mohanta filed her nomination papers on Wednesday. Accompanied by Odisha Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi, MLAs, and other BJP leaders, the well-known Kudumi community leader arrived at the Vidhan Sabha to file her nomination papers. She submitted her papers for the Rajya Sabha by-election for the Council of States from Odisha, which is scheduled to take place on September 3.
With the ruling BJP holding a sufficient number of seats, Mamata is expected to secure her position in the Rajya Sabha.
Mamata Mohanta joined BJP at the party headquarters New New Delhi on July 31 a day after she resigned from Rajya Sabha and BJD.
After joining BJP, Mohanta said, “I have joined BJP being inspired by the developmental works and vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi”.