PM ‘s announcement on statehood to J&K demonstrates strategic national commitment

Prameyanews English

Published By : Bratati Baral | May 17, 2024 1:04 PM

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called high voter turnout in Srinagar parliamentary constituent on May 13 as “most satisfying moment “for him in the ongoing Lok Sabha polls in the country, and perhaps sensing this new turn around in the electoral landscape, he declared that “statehood would be restored to J&K at an appropriate time

Arun Joshi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called high voter turnout in Srinagar parliamentary constituent on May 13 as “most satisfying moment “for him in the ongoing Lok Sabha polls in the country, and perhaps sensing this new turn around in the electoral landscape, he declared that “statehood would be restored to J&K at an appropriate time.” This should be read  in line with “Modi’s guarantee”  which is scheduled to be fulfilled . It may take some time but it   is honoured .

The restoration of statehood to J&K has its own thesis, which is intertwined with the geopolitics in which complete integration of the land and people sits as a top priority in the scheme of things. It is not just like giving back a status to J&K, which it had for decades together even after its split in 1947 between Jammu and Kashmir and Pakistan occupied Jammu and Kashmir. This was further downgraded, geographically and demographically as Union territory on august 5, 2019 when Article 370 was abrogated. Ladakh which was part of the J&K state was made a separate Union Territory. That was understandable because the Buddhist population of the cold desert region of Ladakh, but downgrading of the status of J&K from state to UT hurt even staunch supporters of the BJP in this piece of land.

Now when Prime Minister has cleared the air that the status would be restored at an appropriate time has given some hope to the people that they would get back their cherished status.” The restoration of the statehood is our commitment in the parliament,” Modi said in an interview to one of the TV channels on Thursday evening, coinciding with the time when Home Minister Amit shah landed in Srinagar to review political and security situation, ahead of the Assembly polls. Home Minister declared that BJP will take part in Assembly polls and contest all the seats – a departure from its absence from the Lok Sabha polls in Kashmir Valley.

Both Prime Minister and Home Minister have attributed high percentage of voting in Srinagar constituency to the abrogation of Article 370 in August 2019. Prime Minister rated as the “most satisfying moment for him   in ongoing general elections.” That is to rate 38 per cent voting percentage in Srinagar constituency equivalent to more than 66 percent national voting percentage. There is a lot in this statement. The voting percentage in Srinagar constituency that used to stagger between 10 to 14 per cent and at best 25 percent, jumped to 38 percent in 2024.

There were two pointers – one that the people felt enthusiastic This quantum jump in voting percentage has unveiled a new political landscape which has strategic implications for India, Pakistan, and of course for the people of J&K- it’s indicative of shift in mood where bullets have been rejected in favour of ballots. This, to a great extent, has given lot of validity to the decision of abrogation of Article 370. The political uncertainty arising out of the boycott-polls and vested interests in ensuring voters stay at homes, has ended.

This needed to be rewarded. Prime Minister has announced the reward – the restoration of statehood. It has far deeper meaning than mere reversing the decision of downgrading the status of J&K as UT. This is politically important declaration. It is an assurance to the people of J&K that his government will honour the promise. This will satisfy the political parties that had been ruing the loss of the statehood, and also to new political force Apni Party of Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari that launched its foundation with a realistic narrative of getting back the statehood. Today, Apni Party’s stand is getting recognition and reward too.

 It is a sort of masterstroke by Prime Minister at a time when Pakistan occupied Jammu and Kashmir has risen in revolt against Pakistan. The protests there for claim on their resources and decent basic amenities have been met with brutal force by Pakistani army, resulting in killings and injuries.

 The announcement of the restoration of statehood at an appropriate time has taken wind of the criticism that J&K is without its original status. PoJK people too have got a message that Government of India cares for its people in J&K. The difference is very stark.


Arun Joshi is author of “Eyewitness Kashmir; Teetering on Nuclear War and senior journalist based in Jammu and Kashmir, writes on South Asian affairs)

Disclaimer: This is the personal opinion of the author. The views expressed in this write-up have nothing to do with


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Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called high voter turnout in Srinagar parliamentary constituent on May 13 as “most satisfying moment “for him in the ongoing Lok Sabha polls in the country, and perhaps sensing this new turn around in the electoral landscape, he declared that “statehood would be restored to J&K at an appropriate time

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