No allocation in Odisha Budget for setting up of proposed veterinary university

Prameyanews English

Published By : Sourabha Parida | August 5, 2024 12:16 PM

proposed veterinary university

Bhubaneswar, August 5: The new Mohan Charan Majhi led BJP government has not made any allocation for setting up of the proposed veterinary university in Odisha.

With an aim for better research on animal healthcare in the state, the previous BJD government in 2021 had announced to set up a veterinary university. Later, the state Cabinet had approved the proposal and allocated Rs 20 crore fund in Budget for setting up of the varsity. However, no further initiative has been taken in this regard during the last three years.

Students of the College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry under Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT) staged a mass protest in January this year for setting up of the proposed veterinary university. The former BJD government assured the protesting students for reconsideration of the proposal, but in-vain.

There are 15 veterinary universities in the country but despite having 21 wildlife sanctuaries, Odisha does not have one. The wildlife frequently fall victim to firing by poachers, natural calamities and diseases. They get admitted to the veterinary hospital of OUAT in critical cases. However, the hospital lacks veterinary experts and the treatment depends on medicine specialists, said a forest department official.

After formation of the new government, we were hopeful that the BJP government will expedite the process to set up the proposed veterinary university, but no allocation has been made in this regard in this year’s Budget, added the official.

Besides, there is a need for establishing several institutes like the Animal Diseases Research Institute at Phulnakhara in Cuttack district.

Odisha depends upon other states for vaccines and medicines for treatment of domestic animals and wildlife setting up of a veterinary university will open up new avenues for growth and research in animal husbandry sector, said wildlife lovers.


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