New Delhi, Jan 11: Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) invites Online Applications for the Post of Assistant Foreman Grade-C for Diploma Pass out candidates permanently.
Age Limit: on 05/02/2024
Minimum Age: 18 Years
Maximum Age: 30 Years
Educational Qualification
Candidate should have passed Matriculation plus Diploma in or relevant and higher qualification (Minimum 3 year’s course) in respective discipline from any institute recognized by the Government.
Application Fees
UR /OBC / EWS SC/ ST/ ESM / PwBD/ Departmental Candidate
Rs. 1180/- Nil
Selection Process
The selection process will be based on the merit list of the CBT Examination.
Entry Level Grade & Pay Scale During Training
Minimum of (Monthly rated) Grade-C Basic Rs 47330.25 per month.
For more information, visit