Ganesh Chaturthi, a major Hindu festival celebrating the birth of Lord Ganesha, is observed with immense enthusiasm across various Indian states. This 10-day festival is especially prominent in western regions like Maharashtra and Gujarat, where it is celebrated with great fervor and devotion. The festival holds a vital place in the Hindu calendar.
Ganesh Festival 2024 Dates
This year, Ganesh Utsav will be celebrated from September 6 to September 17.
Ganesh Utsav 2024: Auspicious Time to Bring Home Lord Ganesha
According to Drik Panchang, the auspicious time to bring Lord Ganesha home begins at 3:01 PM on September 6 and ends at 5:37 PM on September 7.
Ganesh Utsav 2024: Shubh Muhurat
The Shubh Muhurat for Ganesh Chaturthi Puja is from 11:03 AM to 1:34 PM on September 7.
Ganesh Visarjan 2024 Time: Shubh Muhurat
Ganesh Visarjan is scheduled for Tuesday, September 17th.
Ganesh Utsav 2024: Significance and Rituals
Lord Ganesha, revered as the remover of obstacles and the deity of wisdom and prosperity, is traditionally worshipped first in all Hindu rituals. Ganesh Chaturthi holds special significance in states like Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Goa, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Tamil Nadu.
The festival begins with the Pranapratishtha, where a priest invokes life into the idol of Lord Ganesha through sacred mantras. This is followed by the Shodashopachara, a 16-step ritual where devotees offer prayers, sweets, and fruits to the deity. Modak, a sweet dumpling considered Lord Ganesha's favorite, is a special offering during this time.
The festive atmosphere of Ganesh Chaturthi is marked by elaborately decorated idols of Lord Ganesha in homes, offices, and public pandals. Devotees sing religious hymns, beat traditional drums, and prepare special meals as part of the celebration. The festival concludes with Uttarpuja, where devotees bid farewell to Lord Ganesha. The final day involves the immersion of the idol in water during the Visarjan ceremony, accompanied by the chant "Ganapati Bappa Morya, Purchya Varshi Laukariya," which means "Goodbye Lord Ganesha, please come back next year."
Ganesh Chaturthi remains a significant cultural and religious event, bringing together millions of devotees in worship and celebration across India.