Bhubaneswar, Oct 22: One kilogram of onion in Odisha costs Rs 45-50 and a kilogram of tomato is fetched for Rs 40 now, while it was Rs 20 and Rs 25 respectively in the last week. The sudden hike in prices of green vegetables is neither due to less productivity nor to excessive demands, but rather for the festive season.
Not only the prices of tomato or potato, the prices of garlic, carrot, and ginger are skyrocketing as against their prices a few days ago, said sources.
Amid the joy of the Dussehra festival, Odisha customers have been left to grapple with soaring vegetable prices across various local markets. Prices of common vegetables such as brinjal, cauliflower, cabbage, beans, and tomatoes have reached an all-time high of up to Rs 80 per kilogram in almost all the districts of the state. However, Jeypore, Koraput, Semiliguda, Borrigumma, and Kotpad markets, are reportedly facing the worst situation regarding vegetable marketing, despite higher productivity of green vegetables in the locality.
The surge in vegetable prices is normally due to the rise in demand for a variety of vegetables during the Navaratri festival. Local markets have struggled to keep up with the demand, resulting in price spikes.
However, despite no adverse climatic situations like flood, drought or physical barriers, potato, Tomato and Onion which are basically imported from West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra, are now sold in high rates.
According to a consumer living in Bhubaneswar, the prices of vegetables were almost well affordable after the rainy season. It started swelling on the ‘Garbhana Sankranti’ which was expected to come down on the next day. However, prices were found increasing gradually.
High prices will hamper making dishes during the festivity as friends and relatives usually visit with full-family members during the Dussehra vacation.