PM Modi urges creators: Develop games addressing global challenges

Prameyanews English

Published By : Prameya News Bureau | April 13, 2024 IST

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Saturday, said that Indian creators must build games which address global issues like climate change and cleanliness, among others, while innovating for the world

New Delhi, April 13: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Saturday, said that Indian creators must build games which address global issues like climate change and cleanliness, among others, while innovating for the world.

In a chat with some of the top Indian gamers like Animesh Agarwal, Mithilesh Patankar, Payal Dhare, Naman Mathur and Anshu Bisht, the Prime Minister said that, unlike shooting games the Western world produces, our games must also address real-life issues.

“World leaders talk about global warming and climate change and are trying various methods to deal with those. I have laid out an alternative method called ‘Mission Life: Lifestyle for Environment’,” PM Modi told the gamers.

“Now, envision a game aimed at addressing the global climate crisis, where the gamer must explore various methods and solutions to identify the most sustainable approach. What are these steps? Who do we navigate through and find the best possible approach?" the Prime Minister noted.

Similarly, a game could revolve around cleanliness, and every child in the country should play such games and understand the true significance of gaming.

“Create games for change which will not only solve local problems but also address global issues," PM Modi told the gamers.

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Saturday, said that Indian creators must build games which address global issues like climate change and cleanliness, among others, while innovating for the world
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Saturday, said that Indian creators must build games which address global issues like climate change and cleanliness, among others, while innovating for the world
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Saturday, said that Indian creators must build games which address global issues like climate change and cleanliness, among others, while innovating for the world
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Saturday, said that Indian creators must build games which address global issues like climate change and cleanliness, among others, while innovating for the world
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Saturday, said that Indian creators must build games which address global issues like climate change and cleanliness, among others, while innovating for the world
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Saturday, said that Indian creators must build games which address global issues like climate change and cleanliness, among others, while innovating for the world
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Saturday, said that Indian creators must build games which address global issues like climate change and cleanliness, among others, while innovating for the world

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