Odisha’s first grain ATM ‘Annapurti’ inaugurated in Bhubaneswar

Prameyanews English

Published By : Bratati Baral | August 8, 2024 3:46 PM

Food supplies and Consumer Wefare Minister Krushna Chandra Patra on Thursday inaugurated a food grain ATM named ‘Annapurti’ at a ware house in Mancheswar of Bhubaneswar

Bhubaneswar,Aug 8: Food supplies and Consumer Wefare Minister Krushna Chandra Patra on Thursday inaugurated a food grain ATM named ‘Annapurti’ at a ware house in Mancheswar of Bhubaneswar.

The state will distribute rice or wheat to ration card holders using a newly introduced machine capable of dispensing up to 25 kg of grains at once. Beneficiaries will use a special code card to access this service at grain ATMs equipped with biometric systems and touch screens. Users will need to input their Aadhar or Ration card number and undergo biometric authentication. Upon successful verification, the machine will dispense food grains, primarily rice, to the beneficiaries.

Inaugurating the innovative ATM, Patra said, "The success of the food grain ATM will empower consumers to bypass dishonest PDS rice dealers and opt for this reliable facility." He further stated that if the ATM proves successful, it will be expanded to all districts and blocks of the state in the near future.

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Food supplies and Consumer Wefare Minister Krushna Chandra Patra on Thursday inaugurated a food grain ATM named ‘Annapurti’ at a ware house in Mancheswar of Bhubaneswar

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