Bhubaneswar, March 15: A Memorandum of Agreement was signed among Milk Mantra Dairy Pvt Ltd, Radharani WSHG of Bhubaneswar and Dibyajyoti WSHG of Rourkela at Krushi Bhawan in presence of Director of Agriculture & Food Production.
The agreement is aimed at formalizing the marketing and sale of Millet Shakti products of both WSHGs on the online portal of Milk Mantra (Daily Moo).
Within this arrangement, Milk Mantra shall pick order from concerned WSHGs and stock in their storage. Consumers can place order on Daily Moo and the millet products shall be delivered to their doorstep by the Milk Mantra. The products shall be made available in Bhubaneswar capital region as well as Rourkela urban region for the customers.
Under the trial supplies, already sale of over Rs 60,000 has been done as the demand among consumers is very high and they are appreciating the Millet Shakti products. This innovative way of marketing and selling millet products shall provide enhanced income source to the WSHGs which is important for making the millet based enterprises financially sustainable in the long term.
As per the response of the sales, more WSHGs, more products and more regions across Odisha shall be expanded within this arrangement. Director of Agriculture & Food Production wished both the parties (WSHGs and Milk Mantra) well and advised them to work sincerely for making the initiative successful.