Evils hidden behind the Social Media those have started to eclipse our thinking and health

Prameyanews English

Published By : Prameya News Bureau | March 18, 2024 IST

Evils hidden behind the Social Media those have started to eclipse our thinking and health

By D N Singh

Jeopardy of intellect, hollowness, departure from society and myriad other realities, miles into a world of virtual reality only. Crippling social connect literally, a radical cut off from the nature we live in and the things we need to value for, see and feel for ourselves.  

That is the price the teens and adults of the society are now paying for a virtual demon.

From the streets up to the ivory towers the craze for social media is now everywhere. A bizarre fragmentation of the social bond that is slowly becoming an alien concept of the past only.

Are we killing our brain cells?

Intellect, the faculty of thinking and eyesight, togetherness of debilitation of the original mind to become a parasitic entity has become the end result.   

Being On social media every day, every hour, and every minute can really cause damage to your brain cells. Our brain grows as we learn new things and when we learn new things it changes after we have experienced it.

Faculty erosions

It has instilled a prejudiced stubbornness among the youngsters not to accept the real world any more and that is what social media has driven us to.

Non-stop addiction

“One is that it can take over brain cells and affect mental and physical health. Being On social media every day, every hour, and every minute can really cause damage to your brain cells.Our brain grows as when learn new things and when we learn the new things it changes after we done experienced it “ said an expert of the Child Mind Institute(CMI)

Stop thinking

Brain is something that can never be subordinated to any. But the social media(SM) engagements have initiated us (teens in particular), even many elders including, to accept what the SM leads us to.

It has been successful in twisting our choice of food, movements and even the state of living thus a massive amount of depression and anxiety deserting one to live within that narrow frame of screen which hides behind falsehood of sorts. Making us all to think and feel the way the SM wants.

Also it can cause teens to have mood swings throughout the day , people might be mad that they did not get enough sleep that previous night so the next day they will be so tired that their moods just start to change.

“Social media and text messages that have become so integral to teenagers' lives , are promoting anxiety and lower self esteem” said Rachel Ehmke of  CMI.  

Facsimile syndrome

Modern teens tend to have a massive amount of self esteem when dealing with social sites especially girls. Girls compare themselves to other girls, they tend to do this because they feel they are not prettier or popular like others.

Young people have a tendency into having a perfect body, so they run to the gym, discard the habit of going to a playground, a clinical departure from grass, earth and all that

No longer we should allow ourselves and the teens essentially, become like guinea pigs of a glamour that ultimately jeopardize the brain, individuality and finish our self-esteem altogether.

About the Author: DN Singh is a Bhubaneswar-based senior journalist.

DISCLAIMER: This is the personal opinion of the author. The views expressed in this write-up have nothing to do with www.prameyanews.com.


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