Couple dies of electrocution in Odisha’s Nuapada

Prameyanews English

Published By : Bratati Baral | October 10, 2023 4:50 PM

The deceased couple were identified as Rameswar Rout and his wife Bimala Rout of Parkod village under Jonk police limits in the same district

Nuapada, Oct 10: In an unfortunate incident, a couple from Nuapada district died of electrocution on Tuesday.

The deceased couple were identified as Rameswar Rout and his wife Bimala Rout of Parkod village under Jonk police limits in the same district.

According to the report, the duo had barricaded their agriculture field with electric wire to protect crops from cattle and other wild animals. However, while working in the farmland on Tuesday morning, they came into the contact of live wire and electrocuted.  

  • Nuapada couple
  • electrocuted to death

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The deceased couple were identified as Rameswar Rout and his wife Bimala Rout of Parkod village under Jonk police limits in the same district
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The deceased couple were identified as Rameswar Rout and his wife Bimala Rout of Parkod village under Jonk police limits in the same district
The deceased couple were identified as Rameswar Rout and his wife Bimala Rout of Parkod village under Jonk police limits in the same district
The deceased couple were identified as Rameswar Rout and his wife Bimala Rout of Parkod village under Jonk police limits in the same district
The deceased couple were identified as Rameswar Rout and his wife Bimala Rout of Parkod village under Jonk police limits in the same district
The deceased couple were identified as Rameswar Rout and his wife Bimala Rout of Parkod village under Jonk police limits in the same district
The deceased couple were identified as Rameswar Rout and his wife Bimala Rout of Parkod village under Jonk police limits in the same district
The deceased couple were identified as Rameswar Rout and his wife Bimala Rout of Parkod village under Jonk police limits in the same district
The deceased couple were identified as Rameswar Rout and his wife Bimala Rout of Parkod village under Jonk police limits in the same district
The deceased couple were identified as Rameswar Rout and his wife Bimala Rout of Parkod village under Jonk police limits in the same district
The deceased couple were identified as Rameswar Rout and his wife Bimala Rout of Parkod village under Jonk police limits in the same district
The deceased couple were identified as Rameswar Rout and his wife Bimala Rout of Parkod village under Jonk police limits in the same district
The deceased couple were identified as Rameswar Rout and his wife Bimala Rout of Parkod village under Jonk police limits in the same district
The deceased couple were identified as Rameswar Rout and his wife Bimala Rout of Parkod village under Jonk police limits in the same district
The deceased couple were identified as Rameswar Rout and his wife Bimala Rout of Parkod village under Jonk police limits in the same district
The deceased couple were identified as Rameswar Rout and his wife Bimala Rout of Parkod village under Jonk police limits in the same district
The deceased couple were identified as Rameswar Rout and his wife Bimala Rout of Parkod village under Jonk police limits in the same district
The deceased couple were identified as Rameswar Rout and his wife Bimala Rout of Parkod village under Jonk police limits in the same district

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