'Adapa Bije' row: Three-member committee begins probe

Prameyanews English

Published By : Prasanta Dash | July 11, 2024 10:39 AM

Adapa Bije row: Three-member committee begins probe

Puri, July 11: A three-member committee has begun its probe into the mishap occurred during the 'Adapa Mandapa Bije' rituals of Lord Balabhadra on July 9, wherein the deity fell off the chariots on the Charamala.

The committee would study the technical glitches if any with other aspects during the rituals,that resulted the mishap during bringing the Lord off his Rath.

Responding to the media following the mishap, Prime servitor of Lord Jagannath, Gajapati Dibyasingha Deb said, the accident was quite unprecedented and unfortunate. The committee formed owing to the mishap, will conclude the probe after the Niladri Bije rituals and submit its report to the Shri Jagannath Temple Administration on basis of which action will be initiated against the offender.

Worthwhile, Lord Balabhadra was found slipped on the “Charamala” while being taken off his Taladhwaja chariot during the Adapa Mandap Bije rituals on Tuesday.

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Adapa Bije row: Three-member committee begins probe

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