Two die of Scrub Typhus, 13 test positive in Odisha

Prameyanews English

Published By : Tuhina Sahoo | September 12, 2023 11:55 AM

 As many as 13 people have been diagnosed with Scrub Typhus disease in Burla Vimsar in the last 24 hours, while two people have lost their lives due to this disease.

Rairakhol, Sept 12: As many as 13 people have been diagnosed with Scrub Typhus disease in Burla Vimsar in the last 24 hours, while two people have lost their lives due to this disease. 

Sources said, 15 suspected patients came for examination. Of them, 13 tested positive and are being treated.

Sources said, a 15-year-old girl from the Bargarh, who was suffering from fever, headache, body aches, and sometimes rash was referred to Dr. Ramchandani’s one rupee clinic. At that time after examining, Dr. Ramchandani found a black spot on the scan of the patient’s back with a mite bite. She was suspected to be Scrub Typhus and later tested positive for the disease. 

After that Dr. Ramchandani posted a live video on his Facebook account to alert people in this regard. Within moments, the video went viral with over 5,000 shares. After seeing this video, more than 15 patients came to Dr. Ramchandani for treatment with such black spots. After being tested, 13 tested positive.  

  • Scrub Typhus

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 As many as 13 people have been diagnosed with Scrub Typhus disease in Burla Vimsar in the last 24 hours, while two people have lost their lives due to this disease.
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 As many as 13 people have been diagnosed with Scrub Typhus disease in Burla Vimsar in the last 24 hours, while two people have lost their lives due to this disease.
 As many as 13 people have been diagnosed with Scrub Typhus disease in Burla Vimsar in the last 24 hours, while two people have lost their lives due to this disease.
 As many as 13 people have been diagnosed with Scrub Typhus disease in Burla Vimsar in the last 24 hours, while two people have lost their lives due to this disease.
 As many as 13 people have been diagnosed with Scrub Typhus disease in Burla Vimsar in the last 24 hours, while two people have lost their lives due to this disease.
 As many as 13 people have been diagnosed with Scrub Typhus disease in Burla Vimsar in the last 24 hours, while two people have lost their lives due to this disease.
 As many as 13 people have been diagnosed with Scrub Typhus disease in Burla Vimsar in the last 24 hours, while two people have lost their lives due to this disease.
 As many as 13 people have been diagnosed with Scrub Typhus disease in Burla Vimsar in the last 24 hours, while two people have lost their lives due to this disease.
 As many as 13 people have been diagnosed with Scrub Typhus disease in Burla Vimsar in the last 24 hours, while two people have lost their lives due to this disease.
 As many as 13 people have been diagnosed with Scrub Typhus disease in Burla Vimsar in the last 24 hours, while two people have lost their lives due to this disease.
 As many as 13 people have been diagnosed with Scrub Typhus disease in Burla Vimsar in the last 24 hours, while two people have lost their lives due to this disease.

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