Mumbai, Aug 26 : Acclaimed actor Rajkummar Rao recently revealed that Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan was a major inspiration for his entry into the film industry. A viral video of SRK reciting Rajkummar’s famous line, “Vicky please,” brought immense joy to Rajkummar. “It’s an incredible feeling. I’ve always admired Shah Rukh Khan and have paid homage to him, appearing in both ‘Stree 1’ and ‘Stree 2’,” Rajkummar told. “To have someone like him say my iconic line is beyond words. He’s a significant reason I became an actor.”
When asked about his role model, Rajkummar stated, “He will always be my star. Anyone who delivers a remarkable performance and touches my heart is a star to me.”
Rajkummar’s latest film, “Stree 2,” directed by Amar Kaushik, has achieved significant success, becoming the second highest earner of 2024 with Rs 510 crore in just 11 days, surpassing Hrithik Roshan’s “Fighter,” which earned Rs 337.20 crore globally.