Sundergarh, Nov 16: In a heart-wrenching incident, a 70-year-old Divyang woman had to crawl for 3 km to reach the bank to link Aadhar in her account. The incident has been reported from Badamal Bajar Pada under Kutra block in Odisha’s Sundargarh district.
The elderly woman, who has been identified as Tersa Barla, has been disabled from birth. Barla had gone to a Jana Seva Kendra to withdraw her pension. However, the Jana Seva Kendra officials refused her giving pension citing that her account is not linked with Aadhar, said sources.
With no other option left, Barla decided to go to the bank which is 3 km away from her village. While crossing the stone-filled damaged road, a social activist offered her help and upon inquiry, it was learnt that her account was linked with Aadhar. The man helped her to withdraw Rs 1000 from her account and also arranged her transport to her village.
“I am all alone in the family after the death of my parents. Only five kg of rice and a monthly elderly allowance are the only hope for my livelihood. Apart from that, I have been completely deprived of all the government schemes meant for Divyangs”, said Tersa.
Being informed about the incident, the additional collector of Sundargarh, Rabi Narayan Sahoo ordered a probe into the incident.