2 lady Civil Servants in tug of war: DWO Rayagada sues DM to High Court

Prameyanews English

Published By : Prasanta Dash | February 3, 2025 1:02 PM

2 lady Civil Servants in tug of war: DWO Rayagada sues DM to High Court

Rayagada, February 2: In an unprecedented incident, two lady Civil Servants in Odisha are in a tug of war over power.

The DM & Collector and the District Welfare Officer (DWO), Rayagada locked horns on the relieve of the latter on the charges of inefficiency.

 On the contrary, the DWO has blurred the image of the DM & Collector bringing serious allegations of corruption, against her.

The Rayagada district admin now is going through such a situation wherein Collector Parul Patawari (IAS) and DWO Asima Rao(OWS) are throwing mud to each other.

According to the sources, DWO Rao was relieved of her duties soon after her joining in Rayagada, citing inefficiency and unauthorized absence in the office.

Following this, the DWO claimed that she was relieved of her duties illegally as she denied signing and validating some false bills, initiated from the DM’s office. She also moved the SC&SC department and the Orissa High Court in this connection.

District Collector Patawari on the other hand pleaded, “We have issued five show-cause notices to the DWO, acting on her frequent and abrupt absence in the office, departmental meetings and grievance hearing sessions. Hence, we have relieved her from duties.”



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2 lady Civil Servants in tug of war: DWO Rayagada sues DM to High Court
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2 lady Civil Servants in tug of war: DWO Rayagada sues DM to High Court
2 lady Civil Servants in tug of war: DWO Rayagada sues DM to High Court
2 lady Civil Servants in tug of war: DWO Rayagada sues DM to High Court
2 lady Civil Servants in tug of war: DWO Rayagada sues DM to High Court
2 lady Civil Servants in tug of war: DWO Rayagada sues DM to High Court
2 lady Civil Servants in tug of war: DWO Rayagada sues DM to High Court
2 lady Civil Servants in tug of war: DWO Rayagada sues DM to High Court
2 lady Civil Servants in tug of war: DWO Rayagada sues DM to High Court
2 lady Civil Servants in tug of war: DWO Rayagada sues DM to High Court
2 lady Civil Servants in tug of war: DWO Rayagada sues DM to High Court
2 lady Civil Servants in tug of war: DWO Rayagada sues DM to High Court
2 lady Civil Servants in tug of war: DWO Rayagada sues DM to High Court

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