Bhubaneswar, August 22 The Biju Janata Dal (BJD) has taken significant steps following the tragic hooch incident in Chikiti, Ganjam district.
A fact-finding team led by former Minister Niranjan Pujari, along with former MLA Usha Debi, BJD Ganjam district president Ramesh Chandra Chyau Patnaik, and former MLA Bikram Kumar Panda, today visited the affected area to review the situation and met with the families of the victims.
The team will submit its findings to BJD President Naveen Patnaik.
Additionally, the BJD has called for a Revenue Divisional Commissioner (RDC) probe into the incident.
The death toll has unfortunately risen to two, with one more victim succumbing at the MKCG Medical College and Hospital in Berhampur.
On the other hand, state Excise Minister Prithiviraj Harichandan has ordered officials to take urgent measures to curb illegal liquor trade in the state. On Wednesday, Minister Harichandan convened a meeting with Principal Secretary (Excise) Sushil Kumar Lohani and Excise Commissioner Narasingha Bhol to discuss the hooch tragedy in Chikiti block and obtain details of the incident.