New Delhi, Aug 28: Department of Higher Education under the Ministry of Education has selected 16 teachers in HEIs and Polytechnic for National Awards to Teachers (NAT) 2024.
NEP 2020 recognizes that motivated, energized and capable faculty is critical for advancement of the students, institution and profession. It also envisages incentives such as rewards and recognitions to cultivate a culture of excellence in education ecosystem. As such, in the year 2023, it was decided to institute two categories of awards for HEIs and Polytechnics under the umbrella of NAT, hitherto restricted to School teachers only.
The 16 select teachers are from Polytechnics, State Universities and Central Higher Education Institutions.
The selection is based on the performance of the teacher as adjudged against the parameters such as teaching learning effectiveness, outreach activities, research and innovation, sponsored research/ faculty development programs/ consultancy teaching. Out of these, learning effectiveness & outreach activities have the preponderant weightage.