Red Velvet, Black Forest, and the cancer risk, the alarming truth about artificial colours in cakes

Prameyanews English

Published By : Prameya News Bureau | October 2, 2024 12:25 PM


Satyanarayan Mohapatra

The allure of a beautifully decorated cake, with its vibrant colours and tempting frosting, is hard to resist. But beneath the surface of these sweet treats may lie a hidden danger, a bitter truth that could impact our health and well-being. Recent investigations have revealed a disturbing trend: the presence of potentially carcinogenic artificial colors in many popular bakery products, including the widely loved red velvet and black forest cakes.

While these synthetic dyes lend a captivating visual appeal to cakes and pastries, their potential long-term effects on human health is a cause for serious concern. Studies have linked certain artificial colors to various health issues, including hyperactivity in children, allergic reactions, and even an increased risk of cancer. This revelation casts a shadow over the bakery industry, demanding greater transparency and a shift towards safer ingredients.

The specific colors identified in these bakery products, such as Allura Red, Sunset Yellow FCF, Ponso 4R, Tartrazine, and Carmoisine, are synthetic dyes derived from petroleum. These chemicals, while approved for use in food in certain quantities, have raised red flags in the scientific community due to their potential long-term effects. The fact that these colors are now being found in everyday treats like cakes raises serious questions about the adequacy of current regulations and the responsibility of food manufacturers.

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has taken some steps to address this issue. They have banned the use of Rhodamine-B, a particularly harmful colorant often used illegally in foods like gobi Manchurian, chilly paneer and cotton candy, due to its known carcinogenic properties. However, the continued use of other potentially harmful synthetic colors in bakery products highlights the need for stricter regulations and more rigorous enforcement.

This situation underscores the importance of consumer awareness and informed choices. We, as consumers, have the right to know what goes into the food we consume. We should not hesitate to inquire about the ingredients used in bakery products and demand transparency from manufacturers and retailers. By making informed choices and supporting businesses that prioritize natural and safe ingredients, we can drive a positive change in the industry.

The responsibility, however, does not lie solely with consumers. Bakeries and food manufacturers have a moral and ethical obligation to prioritize the health and well-being of their customers. They must actively seek out safer alternatives to artificial colors, even if it means slightly altering the appearance of their products. Natural colourants derived from fruits, vegetables, and spices can provide vibrant hues without compromising on safety.

This is not merely a matter of aesthetics or consumer preference; it is a matter of public health. The unchecked use of potentially harmful chemicals in our food supply has far-reaching consequences. It is time for a collective effort to ensure that the treats we enjoy are not only delicious but also safe and wholesome.

By raising awareness, demanding transparency, and supporting responsible businesses, we can create a food environment where health and well-being are prioritized over visual appeal and profit margins. The journey towards a safer and healthier food system requires the active participation of consumers and producers, working together to ensure that every bite we take is a step towards nourishment, not harm.

#FoodSafety #ArtificialColors #RedVelvetCake #BlackForestCake #FSSAI #ConsumerAwareness

DISCLAIMER: This article is based on information from the public domain and authors own views.

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