Musk confirms India visit, expects to meet PM Modi

Prameyanews English

Published By : Sourav Prakash Das | April 11, 2024 10:01 AM

Elon Musk confirms India visit, says looking forward to meet PM Modi

New Delhi, April 11: Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has confirmed his visit to India, saying that he is looking forward to meeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the country.

"Looking forward to meeting with Prime Minister @NarendraModi in India," Musk confirmed on Wednesday in a post on X.

As per media reports, the tech billionaire is slated to meet PM Modi "in the week of April 22 in New Delhi".

Musk, accompanied by other top Tesla executives, is likely to make an announcement about his investment plans and setting up of a potential $2-3 billion manufacturing plant in the country.

According to SpaceX CEO, the entry of Tesla in India, as the company scouts for factory land, will be a "natural progression".

"All vehicles will go electric and it is just a matter of time," Musk said.

As per reports, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu are on top of Tesla's agenda to start EV manufacturing and export the vehicles as well.

During his visit to the US last year, PM Modi had invited the tech billionaire to explore opportunities in the country for investments in the e-mobility sector.


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